Thai Restaurant In Mornington
Never Commit These Mistakes While Ordering Take Away Foods

Thanks to this Pandemic that is showing no signs of receding, the very way we lead our lives has changed. Our daily habits and habitats have changed and even the way we dine and have meals have changed. The essays of sitting and dining at restaurants and eateries seem to be stories from the distant past. We are getting slowly but steadily into the world of takeaway foods. And that this trend is here to stay for years to come is evident from the fact that more and more people are resorting to taking away foods. So the time has come to take a dig at the rules, and the do’s and don’ts when it comes to opting for taking away foods.

Take Away Food In Mornington
Take Away Food In Mornington

So here on this page, let us discuss some of the mistakes you must be aware of, to make the most of your decision to opt for ‘take away’ foods in Mornington and stay safe.

  • Placing the Containers and takeout bags on the counter

Don’t do it, when you have decided to opt for taking away foods, rather than sitting and dining. If maintaining hygiene has been your prime objective to opt for taking away foods instead of sitting and dining, then placing the container and the takeout bags on the counter will nip that objective right in the bud. You give enough chance to the containers and the takeout bags to get contaminated. Thus, if you are vouching for taking away foods, keep your containers and the takeout bags separated and ensure you carry them — always so that they do not come in physical contact with the counter or any other surface.

  • Enjoying exposure to the Restaurant Employees

It is unwise if you have decided to get exposed to the employees of the restaurant, you have decided to purchase the food from. Yes, at reputed restaurants like ours, at Uthong Thai Restaurant, these employees maintain sanitation and hygiene norms — always, but still, the less you get exposed to them, it’s the better in this situation….to be on the safer side. Hence, if you have forgotten about restricting exposure to the employees, it is a blunder — not a mere mistake.

  • Thinking Too Much!

The pundits have told you to be cautious — not to be worried and panic. Hence, panicking and over-stressing, thinking over the issue of hygiene will not do any good for you. When you stress too much and start over-thinking, it affects your sense organs. You will not be able to enjoy even your favourite dishes. Even your digestive system will give in. So over-stressing is a mistake. Be alert, but never over-stress.

  • Eating straight from the containers

This is another mistake that you should never commit. When you have the food straight from the container, you may be exposed to bacteria and viruses that the outer surface of the container may have attracted on your way back home, after they were packed up and sanitised by the restaurant. Hence, the ideal step will be to transfer the food to your domestic container, heat it before having it.

  • Reheating the food in plastic containers

This is another serious and very common mistake that people at times end up with when they opt for ‘take away food. When you reheat foods in plastic containers in which your Thai restaurant in Mornington had delivered the food, the hot plastic interacts with the food particles and contaminates it. The food loses its dietary value and it can very well be seriously detrimental to your health. This is a universal law and it should always be followed — pandemic or no pandemic.

And, then last but not least, not washing and sanitising your hand is that universal mistake that doctors and experts keep on repeating always, and warning people ever since this pandemic broke out.

Thus you see, while it is our responsibility to provide you with the takeaway foods in the most hygienic way, it is your call to abstain from committing these mistakes when you take the delivery. To contact us, dial us at 59750338.

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